Dear Grief

Bekah PogueGeneralLeave a Comment

Dear Grief, Thank you.And we hate you.And thank you again. For waking us from a mundane comfortable slumber,Turning the lights on and shouting, “Get up!Get up and look around at your life.See this stuff laying … Read More

Dear Son or Daughter,

Bekah PogueGeneral2 Comments

Dear Son or Daughter, I offer you room to explore. I trust that in raising you to be an independent soul who is invited to know that God is always with you, you will wrestle. Wrestle … Read More

Receiving Love in Sadness

Bekah PogueGeneral11 Comments

Just be how you are. I sensed the Spirit assure that my sadness was accepted. But I felt embarrassed. I’d returned from an incredibly special weekend retreat. So much beauty and soul-restoration and yet, I … Read More

I’m Nervous

Bekah PogueGeneral1 Comment

*inspired by a conversation with our oldest who took off for the great adventure of in-person middle school in the height of COVID. I’m nervous, he squishes his face to my side. I’m nervous about … Read More

Intimacy in a New Light

Bekah PogueGeneral9 Comments

New light. This phrase woke me from my sleep and continued rolling around in my mind and spirit as the days went on. New light? What does this mean? Days later, I dreamt of a … Read More