Spacious offerings for attunement with God

Spacious offerings for attunement with God

Rooted in Psalm 23, Pasture Experience creates a level playing field to integrate spiritual, emotional, and embodied hope & healing.

Offerings include Spiritual Direction, Retreats, & Poetry.

Serving Nashville, TN & beyond
In-person | Virtually

Rooted in Psalm 23, Pasture Experience creates a level playing field to integrate spiritual, emotional, and embodied hope & healing.
Offerings include Spiritual Direction, Retreats, & Poetry.

Serving Nashville, TN & beyond
In-person | Virtually


Grief & Trauma Informed

Christ-centric Spiritual Direction for:

Small Groups

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
John 10:27



Creativity in the form of poetry, ponderings, prayers, and liturgies.

Where honest expressions meet the page to invite reflection, attunement, and hope.



Rooted in Psalm 23, a Pasture Retreat is a holistic, all-sensory experience for individuals and couples to connect, listen, and receive soul nourishment in a cozy, home environment.

Where being close to the heart of God embraces real life. 



PSALM 23:4



Desiring grace and space?
We're glad you are here!
We are passionate about offering hospitable spaces to experience congruence through contemplation, connection, and creativity attuned to mind, body, and heart.
Soul nourishment is yours for the receiving!

Bekah Jane Pogue

MFT Master's Level Intern
Certified Spiritual Director
Grief Recovery Specialist


Bryan Pogue

MA of Religion
Certified Spiritual Director


We do not draw people to Christ by loudly discrediting what they believe, by telling them how wrong they are and how right we are, but by showing them a light that is so lovely that they want with all their hearts to know the source of it.
Madeleine L'Engle
To us who cry out from the depths of our brokenness for a hand that will touch us, an arm that can embrace us, lips that will kiss us, a word that speaks to us here and now, and a heart that is not afraid of our fears and tremblings; to us, who feel our own pain as no other human being feels it, has felt it, or ever will feel it and who are always waiting for someone who dares to come close — to us has come a man who can truly say, “I am with you.” Jesus Christ is God with us and our every human pain reverberates in his innermost self.
Brennan Manning
Becoming the Beloved means letting the truth of our Beloved-ness become enfleshed in everything we think, say, or do.
Henry Nouwen

I come to give life and life to the fullest!


Oh, good shepherd, would you teach me how to restI'm rushing on, will you make me to lie downWill you build a fold by the waters that refreshWill you call my name and lead me safely out
From my anxious drive to labor on and onFrom the restless grind that has put my mind to sleepWill you call me back and gently slow me downWill you show me now what to lose and what to keep
Oh, good shepherd, oh, good friendSlow me down, slow me downOh, good shepherd, oh, good friendSlow me down, slow me down
Slow Me Down, The Porter's Gate
The task of the spiritual director is to be positioned, like a campfire in the wilderness, welcoming sojourners from all corners of life to stop, relax, and yarn for a while. A place where tired bodies and spirits are warmed by the fire and refreshed. A friendly atmosphere where stories of the road are shared among travelers. The job of a spiritual director is to keep the fire burning because one never knows when a traveler will come to sit. It doesn't matter where on the journey the traveler has been exploring, or how long they have been walking, if they come in peace to sit on a log by the campfire, they are welcome.
Simon Brown
The aim of our search for guidance is not merely to improve our own life; it is to enhance our participation in God’s work in ways that are congruent with our truest self in God.
Ruth Haley Barton
Committing myself to the task of becoming fully human is saving my life right now.
Barbara Brown Taylor
The Lion and the Shepherd are one and the same. Ferocious pursuit and unwavering compassion are dual facts of the tremendous Lover who knows not only what hurts us but also how to heal us.
Brennan Manning
    We do not draw people to Christ by loudly discrediting what they believe, by telling them how wrong they are and how right we are, but by showing them a light that is so lovely that they want with all their hearts to know the source of it.
    Madeleine L'Engle
    To us who cry out from the depths of our brokenness for a hand that will touch us, an arm that can embrace us, lips that will kiss us, a word that speaks to us here and now, and a heart that is not afraid of our fears and tremblings; to us, who feel our own pain as no other human being feels it, has felt it, or ever will feel it and who are always waiting for someone who dares to come close — to us has come a man who can truly say, “I am with you.” Jesus Christ is God with us and our every human pain reverberates in his innermost self.
    Brennan Manning
    Becoming the Beloved means letting the truth of our Beloved-ness become enfleshed in everything we think, say, or do.
    Henry Nouwen

    I come to give life and life to the fullest!

    Jesus Christ

    Oh, good shepherd, would you teach me how to restI'm rushing on, will you make me to lie downWill you build a fold by the waters that refreshWill you call my name and lead me safely out
    From my anxious drive to labor on and onFrom the restless grind that has put my mind to sleepWill you call me back and gently slow me downWill you show me now what to lose and what to keep
    Oh, good shepherd, oh, good friendSlow me down, slow me downOh, good shepherd, oh, good friendSlow me down, slow me down
    Slow Me Down, The Porter's Gate
    The task of the spiritual director is to be positioned, like a campfire in the wilderness, welcoming sojourners from all corners of life to stop, relax, and yarn for a while. A place where tired bodies and spirits are warmed by the fire and refreshed. A friendly atmosphere where stories of the road are shared among travelers. The job of a spiritual director is to keep the fire burning because one never knows when a traveler will come to sit. It doesn't matter where on the journey the traveler has been exploring, or how long they have been walking, if they come in peace to sit on a log by the campfire, they are welcome.
    Simon Brown
    The aim of our search for guidance is not merely to improve our own life; it is to enhance our participation in God’s work in ways that are congruent with our truest self in God.
    Ruth Haley Barton
    Committing myself to the task of becoming fully human is saving my life right now.
    Barbara Brown Taylor
    The Lion and the Shepherd are one and the same. Ferocious pursuit and unwavering compassion are dual facts of the tremendous Lover who knows not only what hurts us but also how to heal us.
    Brennan Manning
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